Computing Account Request

MeSU platform provides a variety of resources designed for high performance computing, visualization, data analysis and training. To know more about all our services please visit SACADO homepage.

Access to MeSU platform’s supercomputer requires a computing account, see below how to proceed to request one.

Who can apply for a computing account ?
MeSU platforme supercomputer accounts are available for Sorbonne Université research staff and graduate students, as well as for laboratory or research staff from other universities and public institutes. Non-academic (private sector) researchers and engineers can also apply for an account. To this end, they are welcome to contact us directly.

How to open/renew a computing account ?
Users can subscribe at any time of the year, accounts are granted for one full year. By using the platform services, users commit to abide the platform usage policy and Sorbonne University IT rules.

MeSU computing account creation/renewal form (EN)

To apply for an account creation or renewal, please use the document above and send it back to us with the form below.
Please note that your request may require a 48-hours delay to be processed.

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